Showing posts from November, 2019
fter last three year, I finally understand what my passion will become, and where to express more than I code scrawl things in code editor. In Junior Highschool I only know how fun arrange some algorithm that I never knew w…
It's a morning in Tangerang. I had waken up earlier, but my both eyes couldn't be compromised to stay awake for at least come to my dinner table to take breakfast. Yeah, I have late shalat subuh, God, please forgive…
Today is the schedule for every youth guy for presenting a pegajian. I know It sound so sacred and advisory, but no wonder at all it's been our activity since we were littel tiny kid (we can talk further about it in anoth…
Kata Todd Phillips, dia menganggap film Joker ini adalah film adaptasi komik (meskipun sebenernya ga adaptasi komik) yang akan berbeda dengan film film komik lainnya. Alasannya, karena ia menganggap film Joker versinya a…
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Gua menulis ini sebagai bahan evaluasi seberapa jauh gua memahami javascript, khususnya penggunaan while, for, dkk. Gua mencoba menulis serapih dan sesingkat mungkin, supaya kalian gak males baca. While terdiri dari Vari…
The last day is my schedule to do some recitement, basically, it's kinda ngaji and we meet about religious kinds of stuff such as something that we really need for the hereafter, faith comprehension and many things that p…
Treating mental health as goo as well is our responsibility. Sometimes, we expect something too high till we never realize that our reality is never so good as it seems. For most people, treating mental health is just shari…
2019 jadi tahun paling tergila dan fulled-of surprise, dimulai dari musik, film, berita, dan kejadian kejadian ada di dalam hidup gua secara personal. Maka dari itu gua gak mau nih 2019 terlewat begitu saja, harus ada setida…
Sebelum gua tidur, plis ijinkan gua untuk menumpahkan beberapa buah pikiran yang tiap hari kian menjadi, menjalar, mengingatkan dan terngiang ngiang ketika gua pengen tidur dan sedang buang air besar (percayalah, boker adalah…
Recently, I read a lot of things, It could be some little articles that talk about science, technology, or even just kind of shit of people do every day (i don't care if have abusive words scattered on this post. Lol). Bu…